Monday, March 28, 2011

New York Harbor

Chinese Aircraft Carrier

Time :   8pm
Date:  Some Future Day

Good Evening New York!
It's a glorious night, nicely warm, slightly breezy and  not a cloud in the sky.     Nature's cleansing ozone is so thick that  the city smells  brand new.   This perfect night invites fantasy.

But suddenly there is a crazy din rising up from the streets that can be heard five stories high.  The ozone is being taken up by the smell of fear and a growing pause of the people.

Network news is quick to the story but doesn't know what to make of it nor how to report it or even if they should.

Phones are lighting up between NY City and Washington DC.  Every mucky muck, from Mayor Bloomberg to Obama, from the Air Force to the Coast Guard is preparing their most cautiously  spun words ever for the most historic story ever,   unfolding now in the waters outside  of New York City. 

An entire fleet of Chinese warships can be seen this night with the naked eye.   Anyone can see them.  They are coloring the horizon  a distinct stony grey contrasting directly with the sharp dark blue bed of the Atlantic Ocean that holds them.   Steadily they are creeping forward, laying waste to the rumor of several days ago that China would be on a routine training mission several hundred miles from sovereign American shores.   

The White House goes into complete lock down.  All air travel is halted.  Obama is carted off to a secret location.  Close behind him is the tall straight-spine man with the 'black football,' complete with codes.   F-15's and every other number of jet, take to the sky in defense of their nation though they don't yet know what that will mean.  Anti-missile systems in the east are  being activated as quickly as possible.  Air raid sirens  are going off all up and down the east coast as the east coast begins to prepare for it knows not what.   

The same cascade of events takes place on the West Coast and before long, inland too.   

All  entry to the US is halted.  Jets in flight are commanded to re-route to Canada or  back to their country of origin if possible.  No passengers are allowed to disembark a train, a bus, a jet, a ship, no exceptions.   

All off duty military persons are required to report to base immediately.  We are under the highest alert ever.   Every base in the country is sounding ear piercing sirens and their jets take to the sky.   Mission unknown.

This statement goes out to a nation nearing panic:  "Obama expects to make a statement within the hour."  

No modern day American has ever heard these sirens before much less know what they mean.  But people do have an innate sense of danger so  they take to the roads and highways with hopes of making their way home to their families and their television sets.   Within minutes, ALL roads are clogged.  ALL cell phone service collapses, jammed with traffic.   Not all will make it to their destination.

'Within the hour' it will be total chaos.   Government will be of no use having been driven underground.   The military will run the show and the show is about to begin.

Pulse One from 50 miles out.  The lead ship gets off the first EMP missile.   Immediately the seacoast from Virginia to New Jersey and inland as far as Michigan is paralyzed, no electricity, no phone, no radio or television.  Nothing but darkness.   The country has no defense against such a nuclear attack except to destroy the source.   US ships are still miles away and military jets cannot fly through such an attack.   Even the White House command and control center is dead leaving the US nearly defenseless.    

That's where we must end our short story for now.  
With no computers working, no television stations able to broadcast, no radio even, the only report possible must be sourced as eyewitness.  I will try to make my way up to Virginia and DC  and file a report as possible from there.  

If you still have electricity please make an account of your area and post below.

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