The poor politicians.
For 50 years, we told them we would elect them if they would give us goodies. We did and they did. Then we told them we would keep them in office if they gave us more goodies. Boy did we ever keep them. They stay up there until they need a walker to get to the Capitol bathroom.
Business and unions told the politicians that they would donate money for election if they would give them lotsa goodies. Superb results here.
Then in November, we fired the politicians for giving out goodies that bankrupted the nation.
And now, we are insisting they cut the budget with a chain saw but don't cut anything that has to do with national defense, social security, medicare/caid, education, agricultural subsidies, infrastructure, welfare, healthcare, tax credits, or anything we really 'need.' So politicians are considering cutting the study of frog poop.
There is no choice America. The dollar will be devalued, stagflation is here, and the quality of life is going down. Might we all have been a bit more responsible for ourselves, our country, and our children's future?
War is here. Government is taking us to a wider and more ferocious war, likely a world war. That will put us to work. That will devalue our debt. That will cover up financial collapse. That will lower our expectations of getting something for nothing. That is the final solution to the mathematical impossibility that is our financial condition.
Libyan's mean nothing to Obama. Even less than nothing to Hillary. Don't make me laugh. We 'little people' are nothing but an annoying distraction to them. To hear them say that they are taking us to war to protect innocent Libyan's really makes me sick or mad or both. Colonel Goofball over there, ever the insane murderer, has been fine with our politicians for 42 years. The proof is that the despicable murderer is still alive. Further, only one short month ago, the senate and John McCain intended to send a million and a half dollars to the Goofball for his army. Now, 'he's gotta go' sayeth obama. Some of us know why. And oh by the way, since you care so much for the innocent, Japan people are desperate for food and water. Haiti too. When you get to it.
The truth is, we made our politicians who they are. Inhuman, corrupt, hollow, conniving, lying thieves and murderers. We finance them and place no restrictions on them. We respect them. We applaud them. We lie for them. And we re-elect them. All we ask is that the goodies spigot remain open.
The price we will pay for our myopic extravaganza will ultimately be paid in blood.
Was it worth it?
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