Monday, February 21, 2011

Something Wicked This Way Comes

We are entering the endgame.  Much of the world faces a chaos that would not have seemed possible three years ago.  The pace quickens.  Even psychics can't keep up with future prophecy!

There's something important that we need to admit.  Government has turned against the people in virtually every corner of the world.   Government cannot be trusted at any level anywhere on earth.  This happened because we allowed it to happen.  We have done little more than hand power over to bureaucrats since WWII.   Government abused that power because they could, because we are so doggoned easily duped.   They have mastered the art of duping the public.

Crucial to our survival as once the most free nation that ever was, is to abandon political parties entirely.  We must no more fund these office seekers who are fast talking traitors wrapped in green cash.  No more can we settle for the demonization of one party over the other.  Look over your shoulder!  What you see behind you is wreckage left by republicans AND democrats both.   Both deserve blame and scorn.

Politicians deliberately pit the electorate against one another in the two camps.  That is our undoing because divided, we are falling just like the saying goes.

Mind you, there is no such thing as vibrant  political debate of the type where one might actually learn something. Those days are long gone to the same grave where truth lies.  Political discourse now is a cross between  Jerry Springer  and American Idol.  Politicians are either trying to score political points or they are having a knock down drag out for the cameras.  Either way, it's meaningless.

To be Independent is meaningless!  We should always spend time with ourselves in order to define who we are and what we stand for, what we believe in and why.  Unless we do that,  we always be duped.

It's 'Us' versus 'Them.'   They have turned against Us with complete abandon.

Something Wicked This Way Comes.  I can feel it getting closer.

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