Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Google Searches Revisited

Google search reports are generated every minute of every day in this country and one must assume the same is true for other countries as well.   One also imagines that a report is laid on the desk of the president any time he would like.  A report of this kind is more important than polling data.  This report is a perfect cross section of who we are and what is on our minds right now.  Google is so huge as to garner most of the searches that are made every day and that is what makes this such an extraordinary modern day phenomenon.

Not only do we show who we are in our Google searches but we show how passionate we are about everything that takes place;  our passion will move a search to #1.  Since these searches generate concrete numbers, the president knows when to go take a nap and when to saunter out to a microphone to try to change perception.

I'm about to lay out a google search report from late afternoon.
You can see for yourself that the president has nothing to worry about at this time.    The world may be burning, oil may be spiking, food may be about to go into hyper-inflation, but the people are not concerned in the slightest.  They just want to know what a 16 year old boy's hair looks like!

Okay!  Here is the report!

jeremy shockey
2.justin beibers new haircut
3.jessica hahn
4.jennifer aniston new haircut
5.broward college
6.chicago mayoral election
7.dwayne mcduffie
8.intersex genitalia
9.today show incident
10.hcg diet
12.komo weather
13.national margarita day 2011
14.seattle weather
15.wsdot cameras
16.dave bugliari
17.david bugliari
18.james johnson
19.buju banton guilty

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