'Two Suns'
Edgar Casey (1877-1945) was known as the 'Sleeping Prophet.' Once, while in one of his deep trances, he predicted his own future reincarnated self. He will be back on earth in the year 2100. He said he will be born in Nebraska which will border the sea. He will tell people he was Edgar Cacey 200 years ago and they will accompany him to Virginia Beach which was and is the current sight of his legacy. He then remarks that New York City is still being rebuilt after having been wiped out.
That is the lead in to tonight's story about Nibiru or Planet X. When talking about Nibiru, we recognize that astronomy is less of a science than are other things since the galaxy is a living breathing entity that may not always follow the rules.
Some things are known about X. It is a turbulent circulation of immense electromagnetism and intense radiation, spinning clockwise against the sun's counter-clockwise rotation. Any planet in its way will suffer push and pull devastation even if only hit by the 'outerbands' to borrow from hurricane lingo.
Planet X has magnetism 41.3 times stronger than Saturn. Sun's magnetism is 5.99 times stronger than Nibiru. Saturn will absorb quite a blow from X and scientists certainly think it will be knocked off its axis for a time.
X is dense. It is made up of cesium which is a familiar word these days since that is one of the dangerous radioactive particles being released from Fukishima. So Planet X is radioactive to a large degree and gives off electricity. Cesium is silver/gold color but X has been seen as red so the conclusion there is that as the planet moves through the galaxy it has picked up a dusting of reddish iron oxide.
Scientists say that X has established a magnetic connection with the sun. The sun can help siphon off some magnetic effects.
Nasa: Planet X will generate solar storms 1,000 more powerful than ever before. Earth could experience power outages lasting 'months.'
Earth entered X's magnetic field on 1-11-11, remembering our metaphor of a hurricane with widespread leading bands.
It will not exit until 1-1-2018.
During this time the phenomenon of 'two suns' will continue to appear. Compasses will continue to fluctuate erratically on occasion. Mass sudden unexplained animal deaths will continue to occur. Solar storms are a given. Wicked, unpredictable weather won't stop. Drought will happen where drought is not expected. Flood where water has never been. And other strange anomalies will continue to plague our world.
Timing: Some scientists say that Planet X is right behind Comet Elenin. Others say that it trails by two years but that it is speeding up as it enters our galaxy. Timing has been specified as anywhere from next month to September of 2012 or 2013. Who knows? Apparently no one.
In my study of X, I found no one who indicated that it could or would be broken apart.
Nibiru means 'The Planet of the Crossing.' Prophets have predicted its arrival for centuries. Who believed them? |
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