Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama's Deadwood

It has been obvious from the start that the Obama administration was/is dysfunctional, chaotic, arrogant, demonic and a slew of other descriptive words.  

Ron Suskind's new book 'Confidence Men' affirms all of the above.
But this is not a book report.  I won't be buying it or reading it.  I don't need to.  I've known from the start who Obama is.  So did you.  

We would have liked to see a legitimate birth certificate; all US citizens have one.  When  he didn't produce one and spent millions trying to cover up all his records; we had to conclude that he was a fraud and a liar and we were conveniently called 'racists, straight up.'  

When it came to his pals, we needed answers;  we might have gotten murder instead.  I mean, who were Donald Young, Larry Bland and Larry Sinclair?

Sinclair charges Obama smoked crack cocaine  and had sex with him twice in 1999. 

 Donald Young, member of Jeremiah Wright's church  was also intimate with Obama according to a private investigator, a Sinclair affidavit, Young's mother (ex Chicago PD employee) and various cell phone calls.  Young was murdered  December  2007 just as the campaign was getting into full swing.   Young's mother fled the city fearing for her life.

Larry Bland, homicide,  member of Wright's church, claimed sex and cocaine with Obama, executed November 2007.

These murders were not investigated.  No murderer has been produced.

And then there was the grandmother.  Philip Berg (dogged 'birther') confirmed that he had a recording of a telephone call from her confirming that Obama was born in Kenya.  She died two days before election and shortly after a visit from Obama.  So it's easy.   You run down there to Hawaii and tell the doctors to up the morphine, that's all.   Doggone grandmothers do tend to tell the truth.

The Navy Seals were on a helicopter they historically are never on, on a mission that had no reason, in a gully with no way out.    They were shot down by a few guys walking a mountain path with weapons they do not possess, and it's absolute nonsense.  Days later we are told that the guys who did it were taken out. 

It didn't happen that way, Barack, it just didn't.  But you don't have to answer to me.

In David Suskind's book, he says you are depressed.  Gee, I wonder why.

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