The question on TV news tonight was, 'should Eric Holder be fired.' Yes. I think he should be.
For one thing, he's ugly. When I see him, I think I'm looking at a failed creation dropped off here from the MotherShip. He just doesn't look human. He moves about like a robot and stands straight, motionless, expressionless like a hollow man.
That's no reason to fire a guy though. If it was, most of what passes for leadership in this country would have to be fired.
Well, there's this. He has no sense of humor. If you wanted to get as much as a grin from the guy you'd have to invest in a quart of whiskey. ( I'll bet Hollow Man could drink a bit.) Look at his face. Do you see any laugh lines?
To compensate for his lack of humor, Eric supported funny man Al Franken for the Senate. What a treasure he is.
Holder also supported Dick Gephardt for president in the late 80's. So see? Not only is he ugly as a robot but he's stupid too.
Democrats talk like that. Let's get rid of Sarah Palin because she's ugly. Let's get Rush off the radio because Al Franken and the rest of the democrats think he's 'A Big Fat Idiot.'
I did not say that Eric Holder should be fired because he is consistently against the first Amendment, or because he walks to the Ick, Ick, Ick drumbeat of the socialists running this country, that he attacks his own people, that he rushes in to protect this country's enemies. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Ick, ick, ick.
I just said he's ugly, stupid, and humorless. That should do it.
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