For my entire life, pictures of violence in the Middle East have been in the World News section of my newspaper. After 50 years you give it a very short glance and a frown and then think about what's for breakfast.
Libya presents a brand new wrinkle in foreign policy.
America is assisting killers in killing their killers who all want to kill us.
Will the real killers please stand up?
And for gawd sakes, will some one of these rotten countries please thank all the dead American soldiers turning to dust in their lousy sand?
Libyan so-called rebels had 42 years of Gadaffi dictatorship to arm themselves and plan this battle. America simply must stop this wild eyed social reorganization campaign it is on. Freedom, if attained, will mean nothing to these violent people until they define it and earn it for themselves.
I feel sorry for America now. We are depleting the last of our will, our energy, our moral authority, our power, our glory, and certainly our assets. By denying that reality as the majority of people do, America is doomed to hit bottom and fall right through it .
Government doesn't realize just how weary Americans For Freedom are of them. If government could just leave everyone in the world alone and go play balance the budget or something. People are born with instincts and Government is in total violation of everything we know deep inside to be good and right. The weight of the violations is getting heavier every day.
We know what war on Libya is. We're no longer fooled by government propaganda. It's two distinct things at least. The obvious thing is oil.
But there's more. There is an undeniable campaign underway to devalue the dollar. If government borrows money with a dollar worth .90 and pays back a dollar worth .45 that's about the only game going for them. A third war followed by nation building on borrowed and printed money will certainly hasten dollar destruction. Once destroyed financially, we little people out here will be more pliable and a New World Order can proceed unimpeded.
There is, after all, an inevitable outcome to all of this chaos. Middle East North Africa Anarchy. In other words, a vacuum that will need to be filled in country after country. A combined and united MENA Arab Muslim something or other will be pushed on to the starving masses; one that would inevitably be against White, Christian, Jewish minorities worldwide. They will step over dead American soldiers to form their united blood union to which I say, 'Who the hell do you think you are?'
Helping this to happen is crazy.
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