The MASON Report
Editor: Mary Mason
Friday, September 30, 2011
'Me Too' Obama Crimes
The long open matter of Obama 'going soft' on American born muslim and murderer Major Nidal Hasan going all the way back to Nov of 2009, makes me question the declared death of American born muslim and murderer Awlaki. I'd like a body please Mr. Obama.
I grow tired of you, Obama, using your 'Overseas Contingency Operation' as your chess game board every time your poll numbers fall. Awlaki may have killed more Americans than Hasan, I don't know. We do know, however, that Awlaki dined at the Pentagon months after 911 despite his known collusion with the hijackers. We do know that Hasan is being coddled. We do know that Awlaki is suspected of being a double agent. We do know that evidence in the Hasan case is being destroyed.
There have been many news reports along the way that have declared the death of Awlaki through similar circumstances, a bombing raid in Yemen. The reports were untrue.
This sort of disinformation and misinformation makes the case for warrants followed by arrests and trials. History needs proof and not the fantasies being played out on the world stage by a madman president.
The Constitution demands it.
I'm about to hit you real hard, Mr. act like a Dictator accountable to no one fraud of a president.
It's about the gun running scandal which is terribly similar to deeds of the droned and supposedly dead Awlaki.
Obama - maybe not American born, maybe not a citizen, and probably yes, a muslim; deliberately put guns in the hands of a known enemy. Americans died. How many died is unclear. That is what trials are for, discovery. And in America, even a president is afforded a trial.
And It's about dead Navy Seal lies and coverup.
It was Obama's decision to fly US Navy Seals low down in a mountain gully in a slow and clunky helicopter on a non-mission.
Our president may be a terrorist but that doesn't mean he is not afforded rights in this country.
Please do not send a drone to the golf course or Target Department Store in search of Obama.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Europe Explodes On Obama
Europe has had Enough:
"Obama's lecture on the euro crisis … is overbearing, arrogant and absurd. … In a nutshell, he is claiming that Europe is to blame for the current financial crisis, which is 'scaring the world.' Excuse me?"
"The American president seems to have forgotten a few details. The most important trigger of the financial and economic crisis was US banks and their insane real-estate dealings. The US is still piling up debt … The American congress is crippled by a battle between the right and the left. The banks are gambling just as recklessly as they did before the crisis. The president's scolding is a pathetic attempt to distract attention from his own failures. How embarrassing."
The O Train
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Obama's Deadwood
Monday, September 26, 2011
Planet X
ObamaCare Exposed
Morning was Broken
So I was outside just before day break this morning having a little coffee and waiting for my pet squirrel to come for his usual breakfast of fruit balls. I was well aware that this may be no ordinary day, that Comet Elenin was in front of the sun and that havoc could ensue somewhere, sometime, maybe today.
But I did not expect to see what happened right in front of me. There I was on the WEST porch. Just a tiny bit of brightness was taking hold as daybreak was about to begin. And then - there was a sight I have never seen in my entire life. It looked exactly like the sun was about to rise in the west! Clouds had gathered, some low, some high; the low clouds looked backlit, illuminated as the sky was getting bright like the sun was rising behind the clouds. The high clouds stayed dark.
Now I'm in full alert mode after seeing something that odd going on in what is normally a very stable earth. I stayed on alert for the next hour and more until the sun fully rose properly in the east and the condition slowly dissipated into full daylight.
Even more alarming was that this fantastically odd backlit illumination was occurring not just in the west but in the north, the south, and in the east. It looked for all the world as though four suns were rising this broken morning.
'Elenin is here' I said to myself.
'Maybe I'm just crazy.' So I picked up the phone and called my neighbor. 'Come outside and see something you may never see again in your life.' Out she came in her pajamas looking frantically north, south, east and west. She said to me, 'the sun always rises here' as she pointed over the large tree in the east yard. 'Yes, I know' I said.
The squirrel never showed for his free meal. And I observed something else. The outside birds always line up for morning merriment on the very highest power line. Today, it seemed like every time they tried to gain the height to make it to the wire, they were snapped back like a rubber band. There was little wind to speak of nor would that be a factor since I have seen the birds fly hard against a prevailing wind to reach the target. My guess is that they met resistance of electromagnetic pulses, however slight or not, and they would not go through it.
This was morning.
What will dusk bring?
Rick Ickey - Pop Goes the Weasel!
Writing for The Hill, Capitol Hill’s most widely circulated newspaper, Brent Budowsky sounds the death knell for Rick Perry’s campaign.
“I wrote in August that Rick Perry will self- destruct within 30 days. His prospects for the presidency were as phony as the fantasy of a two-person race was false. Perry is a phony conservative who is not conservative. He is a pay-for-play politician who gobbled up Obama stimulus like a hound dog eating a bone, and created oceans of new government jobs in Texas while his big donors mysteriously received big government contracts. The Texas deficit ballooned and the Texas jobless rate doubled on Rick Perry’s watch,” writes Budowsky.
“I will not speculate about the reasons for Rick Perry’ s strange, weird and incoherent debate performance. Major new negative stories about Perry will soon emerge in the media. Trust me. Perry will drop out long before the year ends. If he dropped out today Ron Paul could well be in second place. Will pundits say it is a two-man race between Romney and Paul?”
“I wrote in August that Rick Perry will self- destruct within 30 days. His prospects for the presidency were as phony as the fantasy of a two-person race was false. Perry is a phony conservative who is not conservative. He is a pay-for-play politician who gobbled up Obama stimulus like a hound dog eating a bone, and created oceans of new government jobs in Texas while his big donors mysteriously received big government contracts. The Texas deficit ballooned and the Texas jobless rate doubled on Rick Perry’s watch,” writes Budowsky.
“I will not speculate about the reasons for Rick Perry’ s strange, weird and incoherent debate performance. Major new negative stories about Perry will soon emerge in the media. Trust me. Perry will drop out long before the year ends. If he dropped out today Ron Paul could well be in second place. Will pundits say it is a two-man race between Romney and Paul?”
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Timeline for Comet Elenin
Remember - Tuesday, Obama heads for his underground bunker in Denver. This week there have been very curious goings on there as Operation Spend Money, I mean 'cocked pistol' is underway. More on that later.
I thought it would be nice if we had a printed timeline for Elenin drawn up from her path across earth's orbit. So here it is:
September 1 Elenin enters danger zone for earth.
September 11 Elenin is closest to the sun
September 26 Elenin is directly between the sun and earth raising the risk of electromagnetic events, cosmic lightening, volcanoes, earthquakes. It may begin to brighten and may appear as a second sun.
October 1 Threat eases for electromagnetic events
October 3 - 7 Earth passes through Elenin's tail , possibility of meteor showers, earth quakes, volcanoes.
October 8 Exit tail, low level threat
October 20 - 25 Elenin aligned outside of earth's orbit - Sun _ Earth_ Elenin
November 26 Threat becoming very low as Elenin scoots past earth orbit and by December 15, barely any threat exists.
Basically, Elenin has collected and stored a negative charge along its 10,000 year journey to get here; an electrical charge that could raise havoc with our grid and our massive web of electronics. Some say Elenin is breaking up but I am not able to substantiate that.
Tonight, small earthquakes are going off in the west, the highest being 5.0 so far. Last night power mysteriously failed in Chile and 1/3 of the country was without. And then as a reminder, the last time Elenin lined up directly with the sun and the earth was the time of the Japan earthquake. Before that, the Chile earthquake. Before that, Haiti. There are only two more line-ups to go. One on Monday, and the last on October 20-25.
If you want to monitor earthquakes you can do that here:
If you want to inquire about a plush, fully stocked condo next to Obama under the Denver airport you can go to
Bring your bathing suit. There's a lake there.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Shovel Ready Poop
Dear Citizen Poop Scoopers:
Here are the men who promise to serve us tons of poop to shovel.
From left to right:
1.) Newt Gingrich: wings spread out and ready to make an instant get away.
2.) Rick Santorum: Having failed at everything so far, Radical Reckless Rick is gazing off into the distant horizon into which he will soon wander.
3.) Mitt Romney: Standing stoney firm, struggling to hold middle ground and posturing against rival newcomers to his right.
4.) Rick Perry: Sleepy looking phony, feckless Rick icky with a lot of dark spots and puffy chest.
5.) Michelle Bachmann: Shrinking stature
6.) Jon Huntsman: Standing in the shadow of the right wing making noise.
7.) Ron Paul: Unequivocal, robust and right old bird
8.) Herman Cain: Triple nine-er belly flop. (note to Herman: 'no new taxes')
Not Pictured: Gary Johnson, the first candidate ever to carve a niche out of poop. And yet a man with a record that doesn't absolutely stink..
Holy Crap! We're doomed.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Trojan Horse
Dow Golden Crosses
Dow Death Crosses
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Live Cattle |
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Coffee |
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Gas |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Two Suns Rise Over Missouri
Two suns have been spotted all over the world; from China to Hawaii to now Missouri. We think it would be nice if NASA would address this; maybe they will when we all start wearing crash helmets when we go outside. Some say this is Nibiru/Wormwood which passes through the solar system every 3600 years - also known as Planet X .
Here's our running list:
1.) Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis.
2.) Mysterious Collapse of Bee Colonies - who will pollinate?
3.) Fukushima becoming the silent worldwide killer
4.) Growing police state at the airport, on the streets, at the doctor, legal 'anytime' searches, speech police, food police, medical police, fat police, cigarette police, 'attitude' police - what did I leave out?
5.) Food shortages due to drought/flood
6.) GMO and destruction of plant genes
7.) Population Apathy! 'Who Cares?'
8.) Drought
9.) Radioactive Food
10.) Fish and Birds - Mass Deaths
11.) Lack of Leadership
12.) Totalitarian Government Forming
13.) Collapse of the Financial System
14.) Moral Collapse
15.) Flood
16.) Volcanoes
17.) Unresolved Gulf Oil Spill
17.) Unresolved Gulf Oil Spill
And 18.) Threatening things seen in the solar system .
Where will 'it' strike next?
Monday, September 19, 2011
Breathtaking Troop Movement
Beyond extraordinary military train convoys have been filmed as they made their way through Oregon, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
The convoy consisted of tanks, humvees, and jeeps. The hardware lacked the usual desert camouflage in favor of city camouflage.
Troops in fatigues were spotted in white vans in Arkansas City.
There is no word as to what this massive movement is about.
My first guess would be government fortification for when the Super Congress hands down its first mass cuts in November.
It could be for the attack we were promised for 911.
It could be many things. What it is is real.
By law, troops may not be used against US citizens. Posse Comitatus law 1898 prohibits that. We sincerely hope that this lawless administration draws the line at turning troops against us for any reason.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Russia's Symbolic Gift to the US
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'Teardrop' 911 Memorial |
After much back and forthing, this 'gift' from Russia's Putin to the US that was meant to commemorate the victims of 911 was erected in Bayonne, New Jersey in 2006.
First there was controversy. Many towns before Bayonne said, 'uh uh, no, I ain't having that here, no way.' The art community said that 'it was not just unpleasant, but to the point that it was offensive.' Uh huh. (look at it again.)
The message from Putin is 10 stories high, is loud and clear and cast in stone.
With a name like Pooting wouldn't you think he'd be just a little more sensitive?
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