Sunday, August 28, 2011

Michael Bloomberg

There are too many laws on the books, true.  Most need to be overturned, yes.  We need no new laws, no.  Except one.  We need a law to  clean up tv.  If politicians were barred from tv (and radio) we could eliminate a lot of unnecessary indecent exposure.

The mayor of New York has helped himself to extra servings of Irene reality tv face time causing, I'm sure,  many to choose to ride out the hurricane outside on the porch rather than endure such an insufferable pompous old has been if ever was ass.

Bloomberg's insults included telling people to be sure and 'shut the door' when you come in from outside for the last time.  And he also said candles can start a fire.  

You know?   In 2010 the mayor of NY said to a hot microphone when asked if he uses pot that “You bet I did. And I enjoyed it.”   He is the pompous pot poster person for New York.  In fact, look at the picture below.  See if you see what I see.  Glassy eyes.

A lot of people reportedly use candles to reduce the smell of pot in their apartment so they don't get hauled off to slammer.

 Ok, Now it's beginning to make sense.  I suppose if you are all potted out you really could go outside and not close the door on your way back in and then trip over the candle and set the whole street on fire.

Well.  Never mind then.
Just close the door behind me.

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