Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama and Obama, O'O

The networks  scared me tonight when they broke in to programming to announce that the president was going to speak.   Speak?  OMG.  About what?  My first suspicion was that the dollar was collapsing in Europe and I had other imaginings too.  But instead we are treated to this contrived 'show' put on in dramatic fashion from our president who blathered on as though he were Santa Clause delivering everyone a Red Mercedes Benz.

I can tell you why he is up late tonight.  He hasn't done a gawd blessed thing for two weeks and he's not tired.  So he decides to ruin our Sunday night.  He did say that Bin Laden was killed LAST WEEK!

So why announce this tricky mastermind operation tonight?  Trump.
There is no doubt that this petty president has declared war on Donald Trump.   As it went, the back end of Trump's television show was lost to tonight's big WH reality show.  This slam follows last night's roast of Trump which was the lowest point of Obama's presidency to date.   Implied goal:  take Trump out.   Dat's da Chicago way.  

Here's what FOIA will reveal.  Obama gave away taxpayer assets to get this done.  Dat's also da Chicago way.  Greasa dose palms, know wud I meana der boyz?  Spreada dat wealth around.

There are thousands of dead young American soldiers, a cascading unending loss of American freedoms,  financial ruin, oppressive new bureaucracies with new ones contrived every day, wars and rumors of war every single day.   Enough!   Citizens have a  deep deep deep distrust of government and their foolish, childish deceiving games.   All is NEVER as it appears.  

That is too much to pay for the body of one man Osama Bin Laden.   Pardon me for not celebrating.    

1 comment:

  1. We were really looking forward to watching Desperate Housewives at our place because it wasn't a rerun. The breaking news of Bin Laden could've been timed better.
