Monday, May 16, 2011

Dumb and Dumber

Obama's budget plan is a disgrace.  Ryan's budget plan is a semi-disgrace.
Neither are good enough.  Neither are believable either.

The budget crisis will be resolved by the market and the market is going to be very mean.
This will stun most Americans who frankly don't believe any of this.
And good old Biden who told everyone that we could spend our way to prosperity.  'Really?' 'Yes, really.'

By the time most of our money has been removed from the economy, we will be living in a total police state looking for terrorists here, terrorists there, terrorists everywhere.    Under the bed, up in the attic, in the closet, our neighbors are terrorists, our ministers.  Cameras will track our every move.  Police will be busting down our door on a tip that we had a towel on our head yesterday.  And then the government will take what is left of the money to make us 'safe.'   People will say thank you.

We're a dumb bunch aren't we?

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