Friday, April 15, 2011

Voters and Their Politicians, A Disaster

The supreme law of the land, the Constitution, is not preventing the complete destruction of the United States.  That needs to be remedied.  

 Politicians must never again be allowed to push and pull this country over a cliff.  They must  forever more be term limited and at the end of said term,  NO benefits.  

And voters.  You have cast your last vote for free.  From now on, you will be required to qualify to vote;  you will be tested on your knowledge of how much blood was let to form this country.  You will be required to know the candidates thoroughly.  No more will  you go to the voting booth and vote yourself the assets of future generations.  No more.

Lobbyists, start packing your bags.  You're fired.  

And war.  These United States will not fight one more UNDECLARED war ever again.  You want to take over a country?  Good.  Form a private clique and help yourself.   

Laws.  Good Grief!  No one can read them any more.  They are  lying cheating documents of trickery.  That needs to end.   Five pages maximum in plain English double spaced.  Laws older than 5 years to be deemed expired.   No more egomaniac Congress persons name on bills and no more 'simple majority wins.'   

The tax code needs to be hauled off to the dump.  It will take an 18 wheeler just to get it there.  In its place there could  be a 10% consumption tax, 0% on food, 0% on gas.  Oh, it's just too bad that the all powerful all knowing nanny government wouldn't have the ability to control every aspect of life by jiggering the tax code.  Cry me a river.

Foreign policy.  What a mess politicians have made.  Lofty language, red carpets, lobster tails, speeches, lies, money, more money, parties, prostitution.    The world has no idea who we are or what we stand for any more.  Our friends are few and as we careen off the cliff there will be fewer still.  

And a smirking Barack Obama takes to the stage.  He wants 'just a little more' taxes from the 'rich.'  
Well, he's a vacuum head.   If he had all the money on EARTH he couldn't pay the debt.  
Barack, you are spending $10B a day MORE than you are taking in.  How is 'just a little more' gonna help?  

Here are just a few  of the more deadly ways 'just a little more' is used: 
Blow up countries then fix them back, flood  the Gulf  of Mexico with oil then dump toxic chemicals on all living things  to cover up the damage, alter the genetic code of all living things including our food, build nuclear power plants and fail to safely enclose spent fuel rods ensuring a major catastrophe,  treat our water supply with harmful chemicals, repress natural remedies, build an enormous police state complete with Homeland Security brown shirts, sponsor ethanol known to destroy engines, reward companies that do not use American workers, pay teachers not to teach, build underground bunkers for yourselves, spray toxic chemtrails over our cities, run abortion clinics, write laws catering to your friends, pay banks to grow even larger than Too Big To Fail.

And to top it all off Obama's election slogan is 'Building The Future.'
What a vacuum head.
Wake Up America.
It's time for  Revolution. 

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