Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Small 'a' antichrist

"Mabus then will soon die, there will come
A horrible undoing of people and animals:
At once vengeance one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will run." Nostradamus
According to Nostradamus prophecy, there will be three antichrists (small 'a') who will deliver us to the one final Anti-Christ.
1.) Napoleon
2.) Hitler and,
3.) Mabus:  obaMABUSh?
As we wait for Mabus to become obvious, it doesn't hurt to observe, take notes, and think.   Like a good mystery, it's hard to stop dwelling on the pieces of the crime.
By now, most people would agree that Obama is entirely deceptive which is a primary quality of the first two antichrists.  Obama rode in on a white horse with a crown of gold surrounded by fainting crowds and a slobbering media.   Somehow he caused 60 million Americans to believe his lies and he became president.  
 Obama appears from nowhere!  There are no records of him having lived or gone to school.    No one remembers him from grade school, high school, nothing.   All there is is a book written by Obama himself.  That's it.  All information about Obama has been hidden away in one large deception.
In two and a half short years, Obama has done everything he can get away with to deliver America and Israel to destruction.  And he's not done yet.  
Killing is much more sophisticated these days than it ever was in the days of Hitler, the last antichrist.    It's hard to impossible to definitively trace each dead body to an exact cause.   Technology has progressed us to the point of stealth.  Stealth like HAARP technology.  Stealth like Chemical Warfare against one's own people.  Stealth like igniting a firestorm all around Israel.   Stealth like creating a global food shortage.  Stealth like financial terrorism.   Stealth in things we know nothing about.
And then I ask you.  Do you think that the 'power behind the throne,' the very people who funded Obama and elevated him to an office we all know he neither deserves nor can handle, TRUST Obama?    
"Mabus will soon die."  Prophecy.
Obama suffers terribly from narcissism.  Up until now, I believe his vision has been clouded by his own sick self love.    It may be, though,  that recently he is coming to glimpse what he is doing and who he is.   The killing, the lies, the loss of freedoms one by one, the chemically destroyed earth, the  diminishing food supply, and evil enemies on the march.   His legacy.
 This man, Obama, may never have known what selling his soul would mean.   He can't turn back now, nor will he.  History will know him as a destroyer.  Or small 'a' antichrist.
 In the end, it might just destroy him.  

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