Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Brothels and Communism

Judicial Watch obtained previously undisclosed information about the late Ted Kennedy three days ago.  The information was reluctantly released by the Obama administration through the FOIA after quite a fight back and forth.  The left would have preferred to keep their role model's image clean.  Well, clean except for the matter of a murder, that is.

The new information has Kennedy making a South America tour in 1961.  In Chile he rented a brothel for one full night.   For the rest of the trip,  he stated that he wanted to meet with "angry young men" and communists.  In Mexico, Kennedy asked Ambassador Mann to invite certain left wingers to the Embassy residence to be interviewed.  Mann told Kennedy if he wanted to do that, he would have to do the inviting himself.

Politicians continue to make fools of us.  With a little digging around, we would find that most elected officials fall way short of the quality they sell to us.  Some get caught breaking the law, but mostly they don't.   If they do get caught, so what?

Barack Obama, good time friend to the late old Ted, has many/most Communist influences threaded throughout his young life and there is plenty of evidence that that is who Obama is.  There is not a SHRED of evidence that he believes in a free market.    When asked,  he will smirk and deny.   But he has a record now.

The country is being run like a brothel.  Taxpayer money is constantly passing through Obama's slippery   hands, to anyone who will put out.  In the end he will deny you ever existed.  He will turn his back on you but not before he has his way with you.  Let the record show that the president gets what he wants no matter how low he has to stoop.

So here we are.  Obama as head pimp.
Democrats on the inside turning tricks on command.
Republicans on the outside lining up customers.

It's not like we weren't warned about all this because we were.
The campaign '08 made it PERFECTLY clear what we were getting.  Ted Kennedy made it perfectly clear who he was ALL of his life but he had to die in order to get him out of office.

We know how it will all end.  Brothels tend not towards longevity.
Shut this brothel down before we all get a rash.

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