Thursday, February 24, 2011

A New World Order

Depicted in the little box is the skinny Strait of Hormuz.  We hope to keep that waterway open to traffic for as long as possible while the Middle East undergoes its cosmetic surgery.  The reason is, 20% of the world's oil passes through that little strait every day or 17 million barrels, right through Iranian territorial waters.

We always have to fret about the safety of transporting oil in that part of the world.  But now we ought to place bets on when an 'incident' happens and oil is choked off until the Navy can clear a path.

Almost like China saw future, they struck a deal with Moscow several months ago.  "We will supply all your oil and gas" says Moscow.  Well darn.  China doesn't have to worry about the Strait of Hormuz.     Russia is the largest oil exporter in the world right now and the new BFF's aren't going to trade oil in dollars either.   That's not good news for Timmy Geithner who (tells us) he likes to keep track of all the dollars out there.

The rest of we oil users have worries.  Each bullet fired in the Middle East raises gas prices 6,000 miles away.
And Europe has to worry that China will get their allotment of oil.  (likely)

If I was a suspicious type I'd begin to think that with a little push here, a little prod there, a New World Order could be made to emerge.  It was Bush One who first used the term NWO in State of the Union and we all said, 'huh?'  That was twenty years ago.   It's underway.

It looks like the Middle East is going to be encouraged to destroy themselves and then the New World Order guys will pick them up by their feet and give them a good shake until their last coin falls out of their pocket.  That's exactly what will happen to the whole lot of them when oil sales cease.  Because of a little poking.  I say.

China is just a peach of a nation.  Obama is always singing their praises and telling us that he wishes we could be more like THEM.  So it looks like China is to get Most Favored Nation status.    And oil.  And choice assets in the US.  And let's face it, money is flowing to China from all over the world.  In fact, we should move there so we could get a job but they probably won't let us.

I'm not fond of Russia nor do I trust them.    They still 'off' people if Putin doesn't like something about you.    They pop you when you are stepping onto your front door step.   Anyway, every drop of oil that they sell means a new wealth for Russia which will make even bigger monsters out of them.  Russia also has what is called 'Black Dirt' which as its name implies, is dirt that is so rich it requires no fertilizer.  That is an amazing asset if they can learn to manage it.  Russia Rules.

The US is going to be leveled against the other countries which means a much lower standard of living overall.  We do have a darned  good start on that.  Don't you see?  We are going to be equal.  No more Super Power crap.  Just one of the gang.

It's just going to be a riot.

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