Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Suns Rise Over Missouri

Two suns have been spotted all over the world;  from China to Hawaii to now Missouri.  We think it would be nice if NASA would address this; maybe they will when we all start wearing crash helmets when we go outside.  Some say this is Nibiru/Wormwood which passes through the solar system every 3600 years - also known as Planet X .

Here's our running list:

1.) Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis.
2.) Mysterious Collapse of Bee Colonies - who will pollinate?
3.) Fukushima becoming the silent worldwide killer
4.) Growing police state at the airport, on the streets, at the doctor, legal 'anytime' searches, speech police, food police, medical police, fat police, cigarette police, 'attitude' police - what did I leave out?
5.) Food shortages due to drought/flood
6.) GMO and destruction of plant genes 
7.) Population Apathy!  'Who Cares?'
8.) Drought
9.) Radioactive Food
10.)  Fish and Birds - Mass Deaths
11.) Lack of Leadership
12.) Totalitarian Government Forming
13.) Collapse of the Financial System
14.) Moral Collapse
15.) Flood
16.) Volcanoes
17.) Unresolved Gulf Oil Spill

And 18.) Threatening  things seen in the solar system .

Where will 'it' strike next?

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